Friday, 28 February 2014

Transformation to a Tattooed World
If you've ever been curious as to what some of the world's most iconic figures would look like were they adorned with traditional tattoos, Seattle based artist Cheyenne Randall is about to kill the cat. Through manipulating famous images with sketching and digital enhancement, Randall has created a body of work that is synonymous with reality in its seamless alteration. 

Randall says of his work:

'all of these images were created as a form of curiosity. What some of the worlds most recognizable and admired icons would look like perhaps living in a parallel universe. This has never been about "What would celebrities look like with tattoos" although it is clearly centered around tattoos because I personally love Tradition tattooing.'

The artwork that has stemmed from Randall's self-proclaimed curiosity is aesthetically pleasing, and perhaps not just from the position of somebody who personally admires the art of tattooing. Although perhaps coming from a position of bias, what has been created for me echoes my own personal attraction towards the world of ink. Taking people of such familiarity and transforming them in a  way that, while not unrecognisable, project an entirely altered exterior which appears to dispel an individual scope. 

When observing tattoos, I often feel that they manage to express a hint into the inner workings of a being that would otherwise be invisible to the naked eye. Simultaneously, when viewing a body of work that revolves around a common theme it becomes possible to see how body art has the ability to be unifying at the same time as individualising. Even if not solely focused on the pretence of wondering what celebrities would look like with tattoos, it is possible that through Randall's work an openness can be created for a world that is often misconstrued as reckless. Here, we are provided with the ability to envision more accepting attitudes from which a true transformation is beginning to stem.

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