Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Stitching Sentiments
Having an access to an abundance of methods of creation makes it easy to feel overwhelmed as to which outlet to use. It's as if whichever way you turn your voice is bound to get lost among the noise of the millions of other people striving to get themselves noticed. Well I'm not saying I've found the answer of how to act as a pervading force among the masses, but as far as creativity goes I've found myself encapsulated by embroidery (now there's a sentence I never thought I'd write).

As a simple way to get a much more complex point across it seems that stitching works perfectly. Nicole Monjeau's body hair embroideries manage to express the naturalness of refusing to shave in a way that could not so easily be communicated through speech (that isn't for want of trying). 

Luisa Zilio displays a detail within her embroidered portraits that is reminiscent of Grayson Perry. Depicting iconic figures in an array of colours bestows each one with a newfound flamboyance that paints even the most familiar in a completely new light. 

Jenny Hart's portraiture in comparison displays how much scope can be found in embroidery as an artistic form. My favourite piece is her Dirty Face Embroidery, with the phrase 'No you can't touch my hair and you best not even try' framing a curly haired woman. A sentiment that is certainly close to home, the additions of the swallows and the use of circles to encapsulate the afro hair places a delicacy against a fierce message. 

It seems it could be time to pick up a needle in order to get my point across.

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